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Trigger point massage focuses on releasing trigger points, which are small, discrete, focal, hyper-irritable spots (also called as "knots") that develop in muscles that may cause pain in other areas of the body (an effect known as “referral pain”). 


Trigger point massage involves a more targeted approach focused directly on releasing painful trigger points, so the sessions are meant to be more therapeutic and results-oriented.


Trigger point massages involve applying direct pressure to trigger points (tight muscles), which can be uncomfortable or painful at first, won’t be relaxing the same way as a Swedish massage would be, for example. Each pain point may be pressed, massage, and stretched, sometimes requiring you to actively participate in stretching or other movements. One thing is sure, you will likely leave feeling loose and refreshed.


Trigger point massage helps improve range of motion, posture, and alignment. Regular sessions can help with chronic pain, which is sometimes the result of referral pain from trigger points. Sessions can also help with athletic performance and acute pain from injuries or accidents.


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